Taurima Vibes Trust
Put a Face to the Name
Taurima Vibes has garnered special, pivotal, ongoing relationships. We engage with each foundation or organisation for varying reasons, nurturing close connections and aiming for various outcomes with each project. We thank our friends. All of these ties help us to sustain the possibilities we are able to create in their own unique way.

Taurima Vibes is honored to consider the Elephant Publicity team whānau and be invited into their herd. They have impacted this industry for the past 16 years with founder Michelle Lafferty at the helm, with a commitment to authentic engagement and support. The professionalism, manaakitanga and aroha that is intrinsic to all engagements fostered by them is obvious from the outset. They are more than just a business, they are a ‘Pou’. They care. ‘Pou’ are our central support pillars and we are excited to stand alongside the force that is Elephant Publicity.

Since inception, the Te Pou whānau have been instrumental in allowing our successes to constantly grow. Without question, the manaakitanga and whanaungatanga that is inherent in all relationships nurtured by them, has been the constant for Taurima Vibes Ltd. Te Pou remains our turangawaewae regardless of where our journey leads us.

Flock - Extraordinary arts for everyday people. Flock produces and supports compelling art that connects communities and in turn helps those communities to see, hear and value every individual. The company shows strong artistic leadership by creating successful partnerships between local communities alongside high calibre industry practitioners. With exceptional project management and communication skills, Flock keeps the community at the centre of all projects and provides a safe space to explore the ideas made possible by bringing these groups together.