In December 2009 I moved back to NZ after 22 years of travelling and living abroad. I had a brilliant life but there was always something niggling in the back of my brain, an emptiness that I hadn't been able to fill. It wasn't until I returned home that I started to understand it and myself more. I landed back in Aotearoa and made a decision! I was going to finally pursue the things that fed my soul and not just ‘work’! Id been working as a singer much of my life so I understood performance, but I decided I needed to immerse myself, study acting surround myself with like minded individuals and become SERIOUS!

Aaaaaaaaand clearly that worked because here I am becoming a very serious actor! It was a huge step. I literally turned my life around 360 degrees. I came back to a country that was almost as foreign as anywhere else might be, I gave up everything I knew to start all over again and essentially went from living in a penthouse like apartment near the sea to a basement bedroom that was next to a puddle. Literally lobster to crabmeat haha!
It was difficult and some days I just wanted to stab someone in the eyes to make myself feel better (Of course I don't condone violence but what goes on in my head thankfully stays in my head........ Mostly 😊). But I reconnected with my whānau, got to work with my little brother and that was a saving grace. At 39 I threw caution to the wind, praying my ‘caution’ moved more like an autumn leaf drifting into the future of untapped opportunities. Not drop like the molten rock I was predicting. Spoiler folks! Eight years later I don't regret one single moment. Being back in New Zealand has been the best decision I ever made. I have studied, reconnected with my whakapapa, have a new relationship with Te Ao Māori, have the strongest relationship with my whānau AND I am doing work that feeds my soul. I even have a big boy office!

Taurima Vibes is my baby. And has come from six years of negotiating myself in the arts and the wellbeing landscapes. Its been hard yakka but we have arrived! My brother Tainui holds a special place in supporting the mahi, my friends Briar, Craig and Richie were instrumental in making the first few events happen and my wonderful friend Taimi, who has helped make the brokership journey much easier. Now I have a new team, a new Taurima whānau, all of whom I cant be prouder of, and without them wouldn't be celebrating!
To be honest I'm not sure how a blog is meant to be written or how to approach it, but this is mine. Our first Kia Ora! I am so bloody excited for what the future holds for us, our whānau and our friends.